Oops, you have not written anything, but that there is not much to tell. Since I started the classes in the 2 nd quarter and I think I'm worse than in the first quarter, much worse.
Changing the subject, approach the Caraval. SIIIII!! Today I am going to buy a costume, to see that I dress in the end. I have a desire. That Way!.
I found a song that I liked so I leave here with the translations.
Today I'm in a good mood, and every time I've gone without writing me a lot has happened both good and bad, but not very interesting. I will put three examples of such things:
- I have been a comic InuYasha I ordered online (the last, number 56), I also asked for the third and fourth season. What I can say, Inuyasha is my Pason, hehe
- I'm feeling very well and very comfortable with my classmates, unlike last year, I have become more uninhibited and expressive.
- I feel happy, do not know why but I feel a tickle in your stomach that makes me smile, I do not know if it tickles me, lol XD
- My sister made me throw a glass of chocolate milk in the book I'm reading (Eternity) and that makes me angry because I care for my books a lot.
- In case, I was punished for speaking, as the children sat in the front row alone and BUAHH. The worst thing was that the teacher told me to sit there all day, but the following Monday I sat down and said I left because there was more quiet. BUUFFF that shame and over, I know I speak, but when I caught it because I talk intangible, I swear. Well okay, only sometimes.
- I want to pull on a toad. Yes, a frog, for a work Physical Education, buaff. I do not want to do this work because we are the ones we always do a fantastic work inintenglible because of two much believe that, although both when we are not doing anything well enough I fall class.